CodeForBC is a volunteer-driven organization that brings together technologists, designers, data analysts, and community members to work on projects that address civic and social challenges in BC using technology and innovation. They host hackathons, workshops, and events where participants collaborate to create solutions for local issues.
TypeScript, JavaScript, SCSS
Figma, GitHub, Vercel
Illegal short-term rental listings are contributing to housing shortage in BC. This initiative focuses on identifying and flagging unauthorized short-term rental listings that contravene British Columbia's rental regulations. This project targets non-compliant accommodations to mitigate their impact on local housing, ensuring residential use aligns with provincial policies and supports community stability and availability for long-term residents.
JavaScript, Jupyter Notebook, Python, SCSS, HCL, HTML
Google Suite, GitHub, Figma, Zoom
The GoodBot non-profit is developing the Canadian Responsible Tech Hub, with assistance from Code for BC. This initiative aims to map Canada’s responsible technology ecosystem, providing a centralized resource for organizations, policymakers, and individuals. The hub will document organizations, policies, scholars, and key resources to support ethical technology practices in Canada.
React, Python, JavaScript, SQL
PostgreSQL, Supabase, Google Suite, GitHub, Tableau